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Embracing Faith Together: Chronicles of Our First Gathering

Prayer Night

Thank you to everyone who joined us for a spiritually enriching evening at Prayer Night, marking our inaugural gathering as part of the Pekan Christian Fellowship. Your presence and participation made this event truly special.

Our Christian Fellowship is not merely an organization; it is a collective journey of faith, a spiritual home for those seeking connection, support, and growth in their Christian walk. As we stood together in prayer and worship, we embraced the vision and mission that will guide us on this shared path.


Our vision at Pekan Christian Fellowship is to foster a community where faith is not just a belief but a way of life. We envision a fellowship that stands as a beacon of love, grace, and inclusivity—a place where individuals from all walks of life find acceptance and encouragement to deepen their relationship with Christ.


Our mission is to provide a nurturing space for spiritual growth, mutual support, and service to others. Through prayer, worship, and intentional community, we strive to create an environment where individuals can explore and strengthen their faith. We are committed to reaching out to the broader community, extending the love and compassion of Christ to those in need.

As we look ahead, we are excited about the journey that lies before us. The Chronicles of Pekan Christian Fellowship are not just stories; they are chapters of faith, unity, and the boundless grace that brings us all together.

Join us in the weeks and months ahead as we continue to write this story—a story of a fellowship where faith is embraced, lives are transformed, and the love of Christ is shared with the world.